You’d tend to think that with advances in OS technology and the introduction of newer versions of applications, things get easier. Sadly, this is not the case for the popular iSync application.
“Do you find trouble syncing devices using iSync 2.1? Ever wonder why?”
Before iSync 2.1, it used to be in earlier versions of iSync, that the user can sync all the devices currently on iSync’s arsenal simply by clicking on the iSync icon in your menubar. Which for most of us, was a great convenience.
Its strange, but with the advent of iSync 2.1, we now have to launch the iSync application before any sync other than .Mac syncs are possible. Clicking the ‘Sync Now’ option on the iSync icon in the menubar only facilitates fast syncing of .Mac devices.
Maybe its another subtle ploy by Apple to ‘encourage’ the rest of us to purchase a subscription to .Mac. Or a major change in the iSync architecture. Whatever the case, this comes as a great inconvenience and defeats the purpose of placing the iSync icon in the menubar at all these days.
“…Steve, if you happen to pop by and read this, please put the ‘sync all devices’ function back in the iSync menubar icon. Otherwise, the iSync icon will have to sit this one out…”