Apple introduced Front Row with the launch of its revised iMac G5 line-up. Featuring the Apple remote together with a built-in Apple iSight and its accompanying application, Photobooth.
Some reviewers and sceptics have compared Apple’s Front Row efforts with Microsoft’s Windows XP Media Center, as being ‘basic’ or a copy of Microsoft’s popular one-touch remote media center. But right now, we’re not concerned with comparisons — the main issue in contention is making Front Row available to the rest of us.
Although, Front Row can be downloaded as a free update to Mac OS X Tiger, during the install process it will verify that your Mac system is an ‘approved’ system, e.g. iMac G5 equipped with an Apple Remote, before continuing the installation. Effectively, taking away bragging rights from the rest of the Mac community.
Andrew Escobar has a solution and possibly the best tutorial on overcoming this slight hitch. Not only has he managed to hack Front Row for the rest of us, but he has also made it a snap to install with the help of Enabler 1.01.
Kudos to Andrew! Keep up the good work…
Disclosure: While the patches to system files are small, enabling Front Row with this process is not supported by Apple Computer, Inc. and may have unintended consequences. Install at your own risk.