MSN Messenger 4.0.1 Now Available

The latest MSN Messenger 4.0.1 is now available from Microsoft, among some of the newest features:

  • the ability to initiate an instant message conversation with team members from within your document, then save it as part of your project file;
  • minimise screen clutter with a single mechanism that handles .NET, MSN and Office alerts;
  • a wider selection of standard emoticons. MSN Messenger for Mac includes all the standard emoticons available in Windows® Messenger 6.0;
  • latest MSN Messenger 4.0.1 overcomes file-sharing hassles when exchanging files across a corporate firewall

If you already run a version of MSN Messenger 4 on your Mac OS X, simply launching it whilst connected to the Internet, will cause an upgrade window to prompt you to download the latest version.