Video iPod, An Integrated Multimedia iMac And iTunes 6

Yesterday, Apple premiered its latest digital offering. A new video capable iPod paired with new features to iTunes Music Store facilitating video sales thru the Internet. The newer iPod now features a bigger screen, more storage capacity crammed into a thinner package; 30% thinner and 50% more storage.

In an unprecedented agreement with Walt Disney, you can now buy the latest episodes of ‘Desperate Housewives’ and ‘Lost’, a day after their screening.

While full-length movies will not be available to download on the new iPods, iTunes 6 allows fans to download and buy 2,000 music videos, five Disney-owned television shows and six short films from Pixar Animation Studios for 1.99 dollars each.

Apple also revealed the next generation of its iMac G5, which seeks to make the iMac a better integrated multimedia solution. Among some of the new features, include a built-in iSight video camera for video conferencing and its brand new Front Row media system; a sleek six-button remote control that effectively turns a computer into a home entertainment system, allowing a user to activate content from iMacs, including iTunes songs, photo albums, videos, Podcasts and DVDs, from up to 6.6 meters (30 feet) away.

The iMac’s appearance has also changed. The refined design of the new iMac G5 is now up to 1/2-inch thinner and 15 percent lighter than the previous generation.