Articles by Mack

VOIP With Skype

A few years ago, a group of people came up with Kazaa P2P sharing, shortly after Napster got shutdown. Whilst Kazaa continues to thrive today, the same people have gone onto to make super application… Plugin For Address Book

Singapore-based, Bernard Teo has created one of the coolest plugins that you could ever include to your existing Address Book, if you’re living in Singapore. He has managed to seemlessly integrate’s database to the…

Apple Going The ‘Blog-Way’

Looks like it took a while but Apple’s joined the ‘blog’ revolution. The latest Apple startpage has evolved in its appearance and presentation into a more ‘blog-like’ content management-based outlook. This is a welcome change from the…

Apple iPhone?

The rumour mill is working over time and undoubtedly concept artist images will soon permeate the Net with guesses on what the new Apple iPhone, a collaboration between Apple and Motorola will look like. The…