World’s Longest Startup Sound
Though, we don’t normally feature comedic sites or pages here, we came across this one — the world’s longest startup sound. Guaranteed to leave some geeks in stitches. Some of the guys are now looking into…
Though, we don’t normally feature comedic sites or pages here, we came across this one — the world’s longest startup sound. Guaranteed to leave some geeks in stitches. Some of the guys are now looking into…
Since its introduction the alluminium PowerBook series has gone through several revisions. This article attempts to detail the revisions and take a peek at what’s on the horizon. Hopefully, providing future PowerBook buyers with some…
In addition to enhancing the Apple Pro line hardware, on 19 October 2005, Apple also introduced Aperture, the first all-in-one post production tool that provides everything photographers need after the shoot. Aperture offers an advanced and…
19 October 2005, is a date to put on your Apple landmark calendar. Its the day Apple introduced its first quad-core processing PowerMac G5. Providing quad-core processing with two 2.5 GHz dual-core PowerPC G5 processors. All Power…
Apple introduced an enhanced line of PowerBooks on Wednesday, 19 October 2005. Increasing the battery life in the 15″ and 17″ PowerBooks by up to an hour. In addition, every PowerBook ships with a DVD…
A few years ago, the world was ill prepared to receive a computer that didn’t ship with a floppy drive. Nevertheless, Steve Jobs envisioned that floppy drives would one day be insufficient to hold the…
On Wednesday, Microsoft and Yahoo announced their partnership to develop interoperability between their popular Microsoft Messenger and Yahoo Messenger by the second quarter of 2006. Whilst America Online (AOL), pioneered and dominates the instant-messaging market,…
Yesterday, Apple premiered its latest digital offering. A new video capable iPod paired with new features to iTunes Music Store facilitating video sales thru the Internet. The newer iPod now features a bigger screen, more storage capacity…
In our quest to seek out an updated version of Lode Runner (see Diagram 1.0) that runs as a native Cocoa application in Mac OS X, we stumbled upon this site that’s existence is dedicated…
Apple has inadvertently opened the Mac to malware exploitation through Dashboard. Shortly after the release of Mac OS X Tiger, one developer claims he has already found a way to turn widgets into potentially malicious…