Mac Tutorials

Using iPhoto To Re-Size Images

There is a Crop function in iPhoto which allows a user to select an area in a photo that they wish to retain whilst cropping away the rest. Whilst, this is great for getting rid of the…

MacBook’s Hot Swappable Hard Drive

Another reason to consider buying a MacBook over a MacBook Pro is a little known feature that Apple has made an official user DIY upgrade. For the first time, Apple has released an Apple portable that comes with a…

Apple Safari 2, Summarising Text Made Easy

There’s a little known and lesser used feature built into Apple Safari that has become both the jewel to reporters everywhere and also the bane to administrators of educational facilities – “Summarize”. This built-in feature allows…

Getting Videos Into Your iPod Video

Apple’s iPod Video was designed to work in tandem with Apple’s iTunes Music Store (ITM). The premise was, a customer gets an iPod Video and then proceeds to feed it videos from ITM. What about…

Dashboard, Putting Widgets On Your Desktop

Something Mac developers have been able to do since the introduction of Dashboard can now be accessed by everyone. Just follow these simple steps and you can place your Dashboard widgets right on your desktop….