
iTunes, Toggle Tunes Check Boxes

One of the things they don’t teach you in iTunes is how to toggle a bunch of tune checkboxes in a go. Most of us would have had the experience of manually unchecking and checking…

iTunes 4.9 Podcasting Revolution

Apple has once again revolutionised the way we listen to music by introducing integrated podcasting in their latest incarnation of iTunes version 4.9. Podcasting in a nutshell is like having your favourite radio program on…

iTunes 4.8, Syncing Contacts & Calendars

iTunes 4.8 is the latest installment from Apple and now includes new Music Store features and support for transferring contacts and calendars from your computer to your iPod (requires Mac OS X version 10.4 on…

iTunes, Moving Your Music To A Thumbdrive

With the latest incarnation of iTunes (4.7.1) onwards, iTunes has adopted an inability to simply drag and drop tunes from anywhere within your iTunes library directly into an external source. What you’ll observe in so doing, is…

Podcasting Since August 2004

Thanks to a bloke named Adam Curry who has been involved extensively in Internet technology development, we have had podcasting since August 2004. If you’ve used AvantGoon a Palm PDA platform, podcasting is akin to AvantGo in functionality but instead of downloading…

Apple iPhone?

The rumour mill is working over time and undoubtedly concept artist images will soon permeate the Net with guesses on what the new Apple iPhone, a collaboration between Apple and Motorola will look like. The…