Apple G5 PowerBooks In Q2 2005?
Its a year of mixed feelings for the aspiring Mac prospect, more so if you’ve got your eye on a spanking new kickarse PowerBook. Despite the latest updates to the line-up, the question of when a G5 PowerBook will roll out remains glued in everyone’s mind.
We’d love to tell you exact dates but then I reckon even people working in Cupertino might be unsure, following Apple’s long standing tradition of shrouding new products and updates in a cloud of secrecy. I’m kind of glad that I’m not looking at a new PowerBook this year. It would be mind numbing just trying to decide when is the best time to lay down my dosh and heart wrenching if I missed the G5 PowerBook by mere weeks or even months.
DigiTimes reports that sources close to Taiwan’s contract manufacturers claim that a G5 PowerBook is on the horizon in Q2 2005 and that they will be built by Asustek and Quanta, respectively.
So, once again. If you buy a PowerBook now, its a lil souped up and comes factory kitted with iLife 5. Wait a couple of months down the line and it’ll come packed with Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger as well. Then again… if the rumours are true, by the middle of the year, the people who’ve just run out frantically to realise their PowerBook dreams, might be nursing a sore from missing a G5 PowerBook. So, is there such thing as a ‘right’ time to by tech gear? I don’t envy you if you’re contemplating, but as a basic rule, “buy what you need” and you’ll be alright. Otherwise, in the tech world you’d need a lot of money to stick with the Jones’.