Aluminium PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update 1.0
10 January 2006, Apple issued the Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update 1.0, applicable to PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) computers. This update is issued to address the reported battery failures in this particular model of PowerBook G4 as documented in our earlier article.
For some of us the update came into our Mac systems via Mac OS X’s built-in Software Update application. This post is to bring about the awareness that additional steps arenecessary before the update is successfully applied.
Merely downloading the update is insufficient since the download effectively places the firmware updater (transparently) into your Mac OS X’s hard drive and can be found in the following folder — Applications/Utility folder/PowerBook G4 Battery
Detailed instructions on carrying out this firmware update can be found at Apple’s support site. It is advised you read these instructions before proceeding.