Apple Aknowledges Issue Exists With iPod nano But Flaw Is Limited
Despite its accolades, the iPod nano received criticism after some users complained that their iPod nano’s LCD screen had cracked or become severely scratched for no apparent reason. Some customers have complained that the device failed after a couple of hours of use.
Apple confirmed the problem exits, saying: “This is a real but minor issue involving a vendor quality problem in a small number of units. Our figures show this issue has affected less than 1/10 of 1% of the total iPod nano units that we’ve shipped. It is not a design issue.”
“This is a real but minor issue involving a vendor quality problem in a small number of units,” Apple said in a statement to Macworld UK regarding nano screens that have failed or cracked.
“A few vocal customers are saying that their iPod nano is more susceptible to scratching than prior iPods. We have received very few calls from customers reporting this problem, and do not believe this is a widespread issue,” Apple said.
The company added: “The iPod nano is made with the same high-quality polycarbonate plastic as the fourth-generation iPod. We suggest concerned customers use one of the iPod nano cases that are coming to market to protect the music player
Affected customers can contact Apple to arrange a free replacement unit.