MacJanitor, Log File Housekeeping
Mac OS X generates quite a substantial pool of log files during its operation life. Typical of any UNIX-based operating system. These log files are used by Mac technicians to isolate errors or quirks in the operating system’s performance. Enabling efficient troubleshooting.
Ordinarily, Mac OS X clears log files but like its UNIX heritage, is only carried out during certain hours of the day where system activity is low. If your Mac system is not usually left running continuously (more commonly the case on portables) this could lead to an accumulation of log files which take up invaluable hard drive space and lowers system productivity.
A quick solution is Brian Hill’s MacJanitor. Now in version 1.3, MacJanitor is freeware that allows you to manually startup daily, weekly, and monthly cron maintanence scripts; to clean out log files that are no longer needed. Get cleaning today…