Apple’s iPod Video was designed to work in tandem with Apple’s iTunes Music Store (ITM). The premise was, a customer gets an iPod Video and then proceeds to feed it videos from ITM. What about the customers in countries that doesn’t currently support ITM purchases? One way to test your iPod Video in such instances […]Read More
Tags : Mac OS X
There are a plethora of myths about batteries. Lithium-ion or Nickel-based batteries, they all share one thing in common – charge cycles. Apple’s definition of ‘charge cycles’ can be found at Apple’s Lithium-ion Battery care page and it goes something like this: “…using all of the battery’s power, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a single charge. For instance, […]Read More
In the constantly evolving IT jungle, its becoming harder and harder to make a name for oneself. One way to go about doing this, is to create something so mind blowing that your name becomes a household name within days. Kiera Mohr, did just that. Based in Boston, she has started a revolution among PSP owners […]Read More
Nullriver Software has come up with a solution for Sony PSP users to enable their PSP’s to live alongside their Macs. Enter,… PSPWare, a sync’ing solution for PSP-Mac. You can download the free trial and if you’re a happier PSP user after, you can register a full version for USD$15.00. To find out more, check out Nullriver […]Read More
Something Mac developers have been able to do since the introduction of Dashboard can now be accessed by everyone. Just follow these simple steps and you can place your Dashboard widgets right on your desktop. Mesa Dynamics has introduced Amnesty which is a simple application that sits on your Mac OS X menubar that allows you to choose […]Read More
Telestream, the company that pioneered high-quality media exchange over IP networks, has given Mac users the gift of being able to play Windows Media (.wma and .wmv) files right from our QuickTime players. Dispensing the need to rely on Microsoft’s Windows Player, which at press time, is in its version 9 incarnation. By downloading and […]Read More
Although, Mac OS X software update release 10.4.4 was touted to address over 183 known bugs that remain unresolved in update 10.4.3, the fast user switching bug seems to persist and remain, un-attended to. The bug is apparent in Mac OS X 10.4 systems which contain more than a single user, where fast user switching […]Read More
If you press the power button on your Mac portable and it fails to power up, it can be due to a misbehaving Power Management Unit (PMU). One of the self-help remedies is to reset the PMU and in most models of Mac portables from the iBook G3 line onwards, this can be done simply by pressing […]Read More
Apple has done it again. The Apple rumour mill was a buzz with snippets of what an Intel Mac might look like but no one guessed that Apple would roll out a system that would outperform the current Apple PowerPC G4 line by as much as 4 times! Following Apple CEO, Steve Job’s, keynote speech at MacWorld […]Read More
Its taken a while but Google has released their Mac OS X 10.4 version of their popular satelite imaging software, Google Earth. A whopping 12.5MB download from Google’s Google Earth download page. Once downloaded it installs into a 29.1MB application. Now, all of us can pretend to be astronauts.Read More