Tags : PowerBook

Updated PowerBooks Have Landed!

Its finally happened, an updated line-up of PowerBook G4s have taken their place in the notebook market. Sporting faster processors, better graphics cards, more RAM, hard drive space and the latest technology, Scrolling Trackpad, Sudden Motion Sensor, Bluetooth 2.0 (Enhanced Data Rate) and integrated 54Mbps 802.11g WiFi wireless networking. The only bit missing is Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger,… […]Read More

Apple PowerBook Line-Up Upgrade Rumour

Local Apple resellers feedback have confirmed a strong indication that the PowerBook line-up will receive a change in late February 2005. As of now, Apple resellers are bundling PowerBooks and giving discount pricing to move their existing stock in anticipation of the newer PowerBooks, making it a great time to buy if you’re a bargain […]Read More