Enabling MMS on iPhone 2G Running Firmware 3.1.2

Here’s a quick tutorial for those with Jailbroken and unlocked iPhone 2G to get your MMS running in seconds…

Although, there was an earlier patch, ActivateMMS2G by iSpazio that attempted to perform the similar action, there have been many reports that nothing changed after installing it. In fact ActivateMMS2G has been reported to be visibly missing from the iSpazio source list altogether.

The following patch however, has been tested and is working with iPhone firmware 3.1.2.

  1. Launch Cydia on your iPhone. Select “Manage” tab at the bottom and then click on “Sources”
  2. Select “Edit” and add “http://cydia.ifoneguide.nl” and touch on “Add Source”.
  3. Once its sucessfully added, search for “Native MMS iPhone 2G” in Cydia and install it. Now restart your iPhone. Now you will have the enabled MMS on your iPhone 2G. You will also able to see camera button in your messaging app.
  4. Now in order to send the MMS, you will have to set your carrier settings for MMS, Navigate to Settings –> General –> Network –> Cellular Data Network.