Articles by Mack

Setting Up Non-Apple Base Stations

Right me hearties, now that we’ve gone through setting up Apple Airport Base Stations, lets move on and apply similar principles to learn how to set up non-Apple base stations. Firstly, lets dispel the myth and…

Apple Sues Nineteen-Year-Old

You might think twice the next time you let your kids run wild on a computer connected to the Internet. nineteen-year-old Nicholas M. Ciarelli ’08 who owns and runsThinkSecret is the focus of Apple’s latest attempt…

Apple G5 PowerBooks In Q2 2005?

Its a year of mixed feelings for the aspiring Mac prospect, more so if you’ve got your eye on a spanking new kickarse PowerBook. Despite the latest updates to the line-up, the question of when…

iPod Shuffle, Dismembered

Not for the faint of heart but post-industrial designer Daniel Kushner, decided at some point that he needed to know what was inside the iPod Shuffle and tore one apart. Quite literally. If you are…

Mac Mini & iPod Shuffle In Short Supply

If you haven’t already ordered or got your Mac Mini or iPod Shuffle, looks like you’re in for a long wait. Reports have come in that all 98 Apple Stores in USA have been cleaned…

MACAdams, San Francisco Closes Its Doors

An update from our earlier feature article on the straining ties between Apple and its resellers, we find MACAdams closing its doors after serving Mac users for the past 16 years. Our heart goes out…

Pairing Bluetooth Phones

Continuing with our Bluetooth series, this article examines pairing Bluetooth phones with your Mac OS X powered Mac. One of the wonders of owning a Mac is the ease by which you can achieve a…

Updated PowerBooks Have Landed!

Its finally happened, an updated line-up of PowerBook G4s have taken their place in the notebook market. Sporting faster processors, better graphics cards, more RAM, hard drive space and the latest technology, Scrolling Trackpad, Sudden Motion Sensor, Bluetooth…

Apple PowerBook Line-Up Upgrade Rumour

Local Apple resellers feedback have confirmed a strong indication that the PowerBook line-up will receive a change in late February 2005. As of now, Apple resellers are bundling PowerBooks and giving discount pricing to move…