General News

Mac OS X Tiger, Unofficial Release of Dashcode 1.0, Widget IDE

Apple has recently, unofficially introduced the inclusion of Dashcode 1.0 with the lastest version of Developer Tools contained as a standard package with the current Intel Macs. Dashcode is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Dashboard widget development. For…

IEEE 802.11n Cards In New Intel Core 2 Duo Macs

Apple has always been on the frontier of consumer electronics. Being one of the first to introduce IEEE 802.11g WiFi protocol in their consumer electronics line. Or popularly known as the Airport Extreme form factor, which represented…

MacBook Woes Continue

The MacBook had us gawking in amazement; how and why Apple would come up with such an awesome product. Feature-packed with everything anyone might need on-the-go. From a built-in iSight to an IR remote to…

MacBook Intermittent Shut Down Issue Resolution

Current batches of MacBook have reported high incidences of intermittent shut down. Although, initial remedies in the form of logicboard replacements seemed to have cured the issue, Apple has localised the issue to stem from…

Apple iBook And PowerBook G4 Battery Recall

iBook and PowerBook G4 owners/users are strongly advised to check your batteries against the list of affected batteries. Apple has determined that certain lithium-ion batteries containing cells manufactured by Sony Corporation of Japan pose a…

MSN Messenger 5.1.1 For Mac Released

Microsoft has recently updated their MSN Messenger for Mac OS X to version 5.1.1. After the download and install, there doesn’t appear to be an amazing change in the interface and usage of this Microsoft IM….