iTunes Library cannot be saved (Error -54)

Every once in a while we may be unfortunate enough to be nagged by iTunes, citing “iTunes Library cannot be saved (Error -54)” during or after an attempt to sync our iOS devices with our Macs.

Whilst most forums or ‘seasoned’ Mac aficionados will suggest to delete a series of Preference or even .xml files related to iTunes more often than not this sort of errors can be rectified simply by repairing your disk permissions with Disk Utility:

  1. Launch Disk Utility from /Applications/Ultility/ folder;
  2. In the left view pane select the hard disk Volume your Mac OS X resides on;
  3. Click on Repair Disk Permissions;
  4. Wait for it to complete its process and then quit Disk Utility;
  5. Launch iTunes and re-sync your iOS device

In 9 out of 10 occasions, this does the trick.

Right. Now you can finally stop scouring the Internet for an answer and go back to doing other more important things for the day then…

1 Comment on "iTunes Library cannot be saved (Error -54)"

  1. Carol Lambert | 13 March, 2018 at 09:50 |

    I have found a solution! Its a little painful, but so dar so good in terms of banishing the “Error -54” issue.

    I simply created a brand new, empty iTunes, and then copied all my tracks into the new iTunes, once done I deleted the old iTunes folder. (including the XML file).
    Solution 2. Set up iTunes

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