Farewell Steve
The day we all hoped would never come has arrived and we bid you farewell Steve… Your life has impacted ours in a profound way; even though you may no longer physically be with us,…
The day we all hoped would never come has arrived and we bid you farewell Steve… Your life has impacted ours in a profound way; even though you may no longer physically be with us,…
You’ve possibly spent several minutes, hours or days scouring the Internet for some fancy freeware application that will help you download that favourite YouTube clip that you want to keep forever in your archives. However,…
Its taken them a while to wake up from the unrelenting blows from Apple but finally it appears that the geeks at Microsoft have created a rival to the iPhone. A little late in the…
If you own a Jailbroken and unlocked iPhone 2G whilst being subscribed to Maxis, its most likely that you’re deprived of your EDGE or GPRS service. This is even more likely the case if your…
Here’s a quick tutorial for those with Jailbroken and unlocked iPhone 2G to get your MMS running in seconds… Although, there was an earlier patch, ActivateMMS2G by iSpazio that attempted to perform the similar action, there have…
Sorry Steve but Western Digital appears to have a creditable candidate to put a serious dent in the AppleTV’s value proposition. Check out the latest offering from Western Digital, the WD TV! Whilst AppleTV is probably…
A while back a mate of ours from Indonesia enquired how to switch off the iPhone predictive text input. Reason being although he resides in Australia most of his family and friends keep in touch…
At time of writing, we don’t recommend attempting to upgrade your hacked iPhone to the latest firmware 2.0, even though the iPhone Dev Team have released their new hacking tool, Pwnage Tool, version 2.0. In a…
Its all really quite funny. At least it was to us here at MacRiot. There are probably several quite irate individuals reeking in remorse for not purchasing AppleCare for their MacBook Pro’s because ‘suddenly’ there’s…
Time Machine was introduced with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and since its inception has proven to be ‘the’ backup utility for Mac. Once you’ve gotten over the initial setup the rest is pretty much automated….