Mac Tutorials

Download YouTube Videos Using Safari

You’ve possibly spent several minutes, hours or days scouring the Internet for some fancy freeware application that will help you download that favourite YouTube clip that you want to keep forever in your archives. However,…

Enabling MMS on iPhone 2G Running Firmware 3.1.2

Here’s a quick tutorial for those with Jailbroken and unlocked iPhone 2G to get your MMS running in seconds… Although, there was an earlier patch, ActivateMMS2G by iSpazio that attempted to perform the similar action, there have…

Mac OS X, How To Use Time Machine

Time Machine was introduced with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and since its inception has proven to be ‘the’ backup utility for Mac. Once you’ve gotten over the initial setup the rest is pretty much automated….

iPhone, MMS Settings For Singapore (SwirlyMMS)

To use SwirlyMMS to send and receive MMS in Singapore you have set the following setttings on your iPhone. Both within the SwirlyMMS application itself and also in the EDGE settings:   If you’re attempting to use…

Using Multiple/External iTunes Libraries

This is an extension to our earlier article on how to create and link remote iPhoto libraries for those of you who have asked. Only this time, we’re teaching users how to create and link iTunes libraries….