
Thermal Pads – Ant Food?

Every computer that houses a processor, will have some form of thermal compound to wick heat away from the processor’s core to a heatsink or heat pipesthat conduct the heat generated by the processor’s core out of the unit….

Firmware Restoration For Intel Macs

Lately, there have been a slew of firmware updates coming down Apple’s automated Software Update network. As a result, inexperienced users may wreck their Macs completely when the firmware update installation instructions are not adhered to. Potential firmware updaters must…

IEEE 802.11n Cards In New Intel Core 2 Duo Macs

Apple has always been on the frontier of consumer electronics. Being one of the first to introduce IEEE 802.11g WiFi protocol in their consumer electronics line. Or popularly known as the Airport Extreme form factor, which represented…

Apple iBook And PowerBook G4 Battery Recall

iBook and PowerBook G4 owners/users are strongly advised to check your batteries against the list of affected batteries. Apple has determined that certain lithium-ion batteries containing cells manufactured by Sony Corporation of Japan pose a…

Battery Care And Keeping Charge Cycles Low

There are a plethora of myths about batteries. Lithium-ion or Nickel-based batteries, they all share one thing in common – charge cycles. Apple’s definition of ‘charge cycles’ can be found at Apple’s Lithium-ion Battery care page and it…

Aluminium PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update 1.0

10 January 2006, Apple issued the Aluminum PowerBook (15-inch) Battery Update 1.0, applicable to PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD) computers. This update is issued to address the reported battery failures in this particular model of PowerBook…